Gole del Sorba

Amazing descent, with a lot of jumps and swims, beautiful surroundings and pure water. Excellent for a summer refreshment.


Difficulty: v2 a4 II
Period: july to september
Length: about 1 km
Alt. Difference: 50 meters (800-750)
Rope descents: 2, higher 15 meters
Bolts: sufficient - 2004
Duration: 1h 30' descent + 15' coming back
Shuttle: 0 km
Equipment: 1 rope 60 mt long, optional lifejacket


Access: leave the highway A26 at Romagnano Sesia and take the national road N299 towards Borgosesia, Alagna. Follow the indications for Alagna, pass over the villages of Borgosesia and Varallo and reach the centre of Piode, at about 40 km from Romagnano. Turn left on a bridge towards Rassa and go on for about 1.5 km, pass over the junction for Dughera and park the car in a space on the left, just before a curve turning right, near an ancient bridge crossing the Sorba.

Approach: from the parking, descend to the bridge and reach the water on the right.

Coming back: after the last jump rise up onto the bridge and follow a wide path rising up on the left and leading to the road, a few hundred meters before the car.

Copyright © Cica Rude Clan.